
实现策略, 实施策略的英文

  • implementation strategy
关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:实现策略, 实施策略,即可在微信中查询翻译


        实现:    realize; achieve; bring abou ...
        策略:    tactics a surname
        实施:    put into effect; implement; ...
        实现策略:    implementation strategy
        施策略:    net
        策略的实施:    implementation of strategies; implementation of strategy
        策略:    1.(制定的行动方针和斗争方式) tactics 研究对敌斗争的策略 study the tactics of our struggle against the enemy;制定新的策略 devise new tactics; 合法的斗争策略 lawful struggle tactics; 要成为有成就的政治家, 就必须有高明的策略。 if you want to be a successful politician, you must make yourself able in tactics.2.(讲究斗争艺术) tactful 做事要策略一些 do things more tactfully; 这样做不策略。 it's not tactful to do so.3.[数学] (对策) policy; strategy; game; 策略家 tactician; engineer; 策略理论 game theory
        产品实现策划:    planning of product realization
        实现, 实施:    bring into effect
        策略,手法:    ploy
        策略,战略:    strategy
        策略;对策:    strategy
        策略部:    division of strategy analysis
        策略长:    chief strategy officer
        策略的:    resourceful; tactical
        策略集:    set of strategies
        策略家:    tacticianengineer
        策略类:    policy class
        策略盟:    strategic alliance
        策略性:    strategic
        策略域:    policy domain
        策略值:    strategy value
        纯策略:    pure strategy
        好策略:    good strategy
        花招,策略:    maneuver


  1. "实现抱负"英文
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  5. "实现策略"英文
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  8. "实现持续"英文
  9. "实现传输文件的方案"英文
  10. "实现大地园林化"英文


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